Read the scientific studies on the benefits of ketone esters and ketosis on human performance.
△G Ketone Performance

Nutritional ketosis alters fuel preference and thereby endurance performance in athletes
During human evolution, ketones served to power the brain and muscles during periods of starvation or when carbohydrates were scarce.
Novel ketone diet enhances physical and cognitive performance
Ketones are a highly efficient fuel for the brain and muscles. Therefore, one might predict that supplementation with ketone ester would improve physical and cognitive performance.
Ketone ester supplementation blunts overreaching symptoms during endurance training overload
In order for athletes to improve, they need to push their bodies. However, it’s common for athletes to push their bodies too hard during training, leading to a counterproductive state in which muscles breakdown.

Ketone ester supplementation blunts overreaching symptoms during endurance training overload
In order for athletes to improve, they need to push their bodies. However, it’s common for athletes to push their bodies too hard during training, leading to a counterproductive state in which muscles breakdown.

A ketone ester improves post-exercise muscle glycogen synthesis in humans
Muscles store carbohydrate fuel (glucose) in the form of glycogen, which gets used during exercise and replenished during recovery.
△H Ketone Health

Safety and tolerability of sustained exogenous ketosis using ketone monoester drinks for 28 days in healthy adults
Human blood contains C-reactive protein (CRP), the concentration of which increases in in response to inflammation.

A ketone monoester drink reduces the glycemic response to an oral glucose tolerance challenge in individuals with obesity: a randomized trial
Obesity is associated with poor glycemic control. In simple terms, obese individuals are more likely to experience a large spike in blood glucose (blood sugar) after consuming carbohydrates.
Prior ingestion of exogenous ketone monoester attenuates the glycemic response to an oral glucose tolerance test in healthy young individuals
Poor glycemic control is not specific to individuals with obesity or diabetes. Furthermore, poor glycemic control predicts the development of these conditions and other metabolic dysfunction.
A ketone ester drink lowers human ghrelin and appetite
The effectiveness of low-carb ketogenic diets for weight loss and the treatment of obesity is thought to derive, in part, from the satiating effect of ketone body molecules. This study examined whether a ketone ester drink altered hunger hormone levels in humans, including the hormone ghrelin.
Mitochondrial biogenesis and increased uncoupling protein 1 in brown adipose tissue of mice fed a ketone ester diet
Mitochondrial biogenesis and increased uncoupling protein 1 in brown adipose tissue of mice fed a ketone ester diet

Diet modulates brain network stability, a biomarker for brain aging, in young adults
“Brain Network Stability” – the brain’s capacity to communicate among its regions – has been established as a new biomarker of Brain Aging and Cognitive Decline. Older brains tend to exhibit lower Brain Network Stability, and lower network stability predicts cognitive decline.