deltaG Team at Kona
Brian, our human performance expert, is pleased to hold in-person consultations.
It's all about saving your time so you can focus on achieving your personal best, pre-purchase deltaG and collect your order at the deltaG VIP House in Kona.
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Innovation based on cutting edge scientific research
ΔTrusted by Elite Athletes
10+ years of record-setting use by Olympic Athletes, Tour de France riders, Formula 1 drivers, NBA, NFL, FIFA, Ironman, CEOs, US military and other high performers in the world.
Δ$50 Million in R&D
deltaG was created under the Metabolic Dominance Program funded by DARPA.
The most powerful fuel for soldiers in the battlefield.

Enhanced Energy

Sustained Performance

Sharper Focus

Improved Recovery

Appetite Suppression
Improved Muscle Recovery
Keep Your Gym Gains
The combination of ketones and glucose will achieve a metabolic state that was previously unattainable in human history. Protein + Carbs + deltaG increase glycogen resynthesis and decrease muscle damage and inflammation to aid recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions
How does deltaG Performance taste?
We like to say "Ketone esters taste like the work." haha.
deltaG Performance has a slight blueberry taste which most customers find palatable.
Ketones have a very bitter taste and we worked hard to improve the taste using while keeping it clean.
If you prefer no flavoring or wish to mix into your own concoction please purchase Tactical which is the raw ketone ester.
How do you feel on deltaG ketones?
Fueling with ketones takes you to a place where everything flows — a gentle, clean boost of energy without the jitters or racing heart.
How does deltaG ketones improve recovery?
There seem to be many different ways in which the ingestion of exogenous ketone esters can aid in recovery after strenuous exercise.
o Firstly, muscle damage is mitigated when there is ample amount of BHB available in the blood stream. There are a couple main reasons for that:
§ Certain inflammatory markers, like IL-6 and creatine kinase, are minimized
§ Once glycogen levels are emptied, the body will begin its process of gluconeogenesis, the creation of glucose from various areas of the body – protein and muscle breakdown are one of the ways in which this is done. The presence of ketone bodies will help inhibit much of this process.
o Secondly, the ingestion of carbohydrates along with ketones increases glycogen resynthesis, the restoring of glycogen stores. Without ketone supplementation, the high number of fatty acids present in the blood after strenuous exercise could blunt efficient glycogen resynthesis from taking place – ketone bodies mitigate that increase in fatty acids. Also, when ketones and glucose are present, glucose uptake within the body appears to be higher.
o Next, the ingestion of protein and carbohydrates (the combination that seems to have the most data behind its recovery benefits) along with ketones will activate MTOR to a degree that will assist in tissue regeneration and protein synthesis – both processes that aid in muscle recovery. When taken alongside protein and carbohydrates, ketones do not promote glycogen resynthesis to a higher degree, unlike when it is taken with carbohydrates alone.
o Lastly, fatigue has been an interesting area of study using ketone bodies. Per the initial research, the blunting of fatty acids by BHB after strenuous exercise will inhibit a usual increase in the free fatty acid tryptophan in the brain – one of the main reasons why people feel mentally fatigued after a workout.
How does deltaG improve athletic performance?
The presence of ketones (specifically BHB) during aerobic exercise will be prioritized over fat because it is oxidized easier by cells. Per every unit of oxygen, the body is able to produce more energy from ketones than fat.
The combination of ketones and glucose will achieve a metabolic state that was previous unattainable in human history. Before the existence of exogenous ketones, someone would need to be starved of carbohydrates (thus glucose) for weeks or fasted for days to produce the amount of ketones endogenously to be used as a primary energy source. With the introduction of this ketone source, someone can achieve ketosis (blood ketones over 0.5-0.7 mmol/L) without the dietary restrictions.
Combining glucose and ketones for performance: When your body has ketone bodies and glucose available for use:
o The brain (user of around 30% of the body’s energy) will prioritize the usage of ketones over glucose (satisfying around 80% of its energy needs when readily available). The brain can really only metabolize two energy substrates – ketones and glucose – because of something called the blood brain barrier: a thin lining that protects the brain mostly from free radicals in the bloodstream. If the brain is receiving the appropriate amount of energy during an exercise session (which is a bit more difficult when using strictly glucose), the user will feel more focused and attentive throughout and afterwards.
o The glucose will be used less for immediate use and more for restoring glycogen levels
o The combination will require less of an insulin spike versus a strictly glucose-fueled uptake
§ That is why you will see more of a stabilization in blood glucose when using the deltaG ketone ester
How does deltaG ketones improve cognitive function?
The simple fact that the brain would prefer ketone bodies over glucose should tell you a lot about the brain’s energy needs and how they are met with ketone bodies. 30% of your body’s available energy substrate (more specifically glucose) will be used by the brain - so the brain is a massive user of energy. When given the option between glucose and ketones, the brain can, and will, satisfy up to 80% of its energy needs with ketones alone.
Ketone metabolism by the brain has been shown to increase memory, spatial awareness, and cognitive resilience in mice and also in humans.
This is especially true at points of physical exhaustion. When the body is exerting massive amounts of energy, the brain sacrifices a lot of its energy needs to the body, where energy needs are more substantial. This results in cognition being temporarily impaired – the inability to focus while physically exhausted is something most people have experienced. When supplementing with a ketone ester, the brain will still use the ketone bodies for energy, especially during an anaerobic exercise when glucose will be the primary energy source for the body. This is important for athletes because fat cannot be metabolized by the brain – so during an anaerobic exercise the brain would prefer to have ketone bodies present.
How is deltaG Ketone Ester superior to ketone salts?
The high salt content in ketone salt drinks limits the volume that can be consumed, so salt drinks produce lower blood ketone levels than the ketone ester, deltaG. △G and △H both contain deltaG, which the body metabolizes completely to βHB (beta-hydroxybutyrate). As it contains no salt, deltaG can be consumed in volumes sufficient to produce blood ketone levels that are normally found with strict ketogenic diets and extended fasting. △G and △H are made using patented deltaG technology.
How do I measure my ketone levels?
There are three ways to measure ketone levels:
1. Blood Ketone Test
Pros: The most accurate measurement available.Cons: Requires a handheld device (i.e., FreeStyle or Keto Mojo) and test strips, which can be expensive. You have to take a finger-prick blood sample.
2. Urine Ketone Test Strips
Pros: Cheap, available in many pharmacies, and non-invasive.Cons: Less accurate than blood. Over time, the body adapts to excrete fewer ketones in the urine.
3. Breath Acetone Meter
Pros: Once you buy the device, it’s free each time you test.Cons: Requires a handheld device (i.e. Biosense). Breath tests are less accurate than blood.
When taking ketone supplements or following a keto diet, you should check your ketone levels on a regular basis. Testing can help you determine if your method is effective.
Are they safe to drink? Is there anything that cannot be taken with deltaG Ketones?
deltaG Ketones can be consumed with any other food and with supplements, such as creatine, whey protein, and branched-chain amino acids. Since 2008, deltaG has been the subject of a wide range of scientific safety studies that led to a Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) designation and a U.S. FDA notification. deltaG is not on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) banned list for athletes.
Developed at the University of Oxford
The Oxford Ketone Ester is the result of the pioneering work of Professor Kieran Clarke at the University of Oxford and the late Dr. Richard Veech at the National Institutes of Health, in a scientific research project that started in 2003.
Initially, the project was funded through the Metabolic Dominance Program run by the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). DARPA's aim was to discover the most energetically efficient food to allow soldiers to maintain their physical and mental capacities over five days on the battlefield.